Certification Product
Research + User Experience
deverus is a background check platform; through Credit Reporting Agencies, thousands of companies use this technology daily to perform background checks and make hiring decisions.
Over the past couple of years the company has been looking to branch out and offer new products and services. One of those products was an application to help health care workers keep their credentials up to date, to avoid fines or loss of work.
I started by thinking about the process a health care worker might go through on their first day on the job. I thought about what onboarding might look like, and how it might be affected if they discovered one of their credentials wasn’t in order. I knew any assumptions I made would probably be wrong, but I used this activity to come up with a list of questions to ask in a survey.
I used SurveyMonkey to survey 100 health care workers, and the answers I got were quite revealing. I opted for free form answers, to allow participants to answer questions in their own words, instead of limiting them to multiple choice responses, which might be leading. Besides, I wasn't about to presume I knew what people might answer. From there I reviewed all the answers to the questionnaire and recorded general themes.